The Octave, Legendary Mining Property,
MUST SEE. . .Media Coverage of the
Octave Property

"A Miner's Dream" says one geologist
when viewing the massive gold veins near the Twin
Tunnels. Investors: Price
of gold expected to rise and stay strong.
Own the entire 266
patented acres of the Octave vein,
which has produced over $310 million in precious
metals on 30% of the property, a three-mile long vein with
access to water and electricity on the site (200 amps, 407
volts) Featured by Fox News on "The Property Man with Bob Massi"
Seen on SyFy's hit show "Ghost Mines", Phoenix TV, newspapers
Forbes Magazine with mulitple features.
This offering includes numerous Patented Claims believed to
follow the rich Octave vein and offshoots, up the mountain
with road access to over 5,100 feet elevation, surrounded by BLM
land, and the private gated residence. New gold discoveries on
the upper vein. Check the video:

Offered for $16,900,000.
See large map below of all 266 patented acres included.
MLS 6151111
in a 5-page cover story in Prospecting and Mining Journal on
"Assembling a First-Class Mining Property. " The article states
"this is the first time all of these contiguous mining properties
have been united under the control of a single owner."
Click here to read the article:

Over 200,000 oz. of gold documented,
75,000 oz. silver! Watch the video tour
Responding to global unrest and
high inflation, the price of gold remains very strong.
See what they are saying about
the Octave potential:

Enjoy this colorful history of Rich
Hill! Note the Octave story on page 4!
Thanks to Dr. Erik B. Melchiorre for sharing his information.
Good read--The owner's opinion of
economic potential and worth:

Amazing video, fly OVER the 3
mile-long property on Google Earth! This is the BEST
introduction to the property:

A panorama of the patented claims and their approximate
location. Lowest elevation is on the left, about 3,300 feet, to
over 5,100 feet on
the right, as the miners had claimed the big Octave vein and it's
offshoots going up the mountain. Four Peaks, NE of Phoenix, is
visible from the highest points! Again, the left or right two
parcels are separately available.

(photo left) 16.75 troy oz. of gold from the property. An amazing
offering in the red-hot Weaver Mining district containing more than
266 acres of patented claims, surrounded by BLM land, including the
site of the famous mining town of Octave and the Beehive mines. A
perfect place for a private sanctuary location, a remote enclave for
the ultimate seclusion. In addition, the variety of topography is
perfect for hiking, exploring and hunting. There's a well on the
site, FM tower with electricity available at the site, and an
energy-efficient home all included. . Claims follow the 3-mile-long
main gold vein and offshoots and rise over 4,000 ft. high with views
all the way to Four Peaks. Geology has produced some incredible gold
specimens on site that collectors treasure. Excellent helipad
locations as well!

"A Miner's Dream" is what one veteran geologist exclaimed,
when looking at a wall of veins at the Twin Tunnels, high up on the
property, above the Beehive Mine. Two exploratory tunnels were
punched into the vein, which drops down at an angle of about 30
degrees. Its believed they were trying to intersect the main
tunnel from the Beehive, but didn't. More photos of this
amazing vein structure are below. The property goes up above
these veins to allow opening up the area, and under the Apex rule,
the vein can be followed whereever it goes, even underneath adjacent
property and other claims, per standard mining law and convention.
Below, a shot of the area from higher up, a panorama of the double
veins. Note the small feeder veins on the hill as well.

The road to the home traverses a valley along the legendary Rich
Hill, and the entire area is one of Arizona's most active mining areas, in
the Weaver District. By the 1880's, about 50,000 ounces of gold
were taken out in placer claims, and then the hard rock lode claims
began to get worked. Experts say the Octave
produced more gold than all the placer claims in the area
combined!!! Historical
reports say between 1895-1925, the Octave produced 53,000 oz/Gold and
75,000 oz/Silver, and the mine was once operated by Asarco.
It's reported that every inch of Rich Hill has been claimed,
and the Octave and Beehive property being offered are all patented
historic claims that follow the Octave vein and it's offshoots up the
mountains. This location here is near the town of Weaver, on the road to
the home and property. A live-in caretaker protects the site
and it's minerals.
See more on the history and geology of the region by scrolling down.
Below, The Octave tunnels were featured numerous times in the SyFy
show "Ghost Mines"

In addition to SyFy channel's hit show "Ghost Mines" featuring trips deep into the
Octave Mine on two episodes, Fox News did a national taping on the
Octave property that will aired on Fox's "The Property Man
with Bob Massi" Photos above as Bob Massi introduces the
Octave segment from a remote site with a Fox News crew. Highlights here:

Photos below: The Octave, just a small part of the property
being offered, was one of Arizona's most historic properties, with
documented gold production of over 200,000 ounces. Over $300
million of precious metals already mined, and on only 30% of the
property! The
buildings are all gone now, but the minerals of the rich vein
remain, snaking underneath the 266 acres of patented land. Below is
an aerial of Rich Hill in the Weaver Mining District, one of the
most active districts in Arizona. The Octave property starts at the
lower right of the photo.
There is plenty of gold to be mined from the rich Octave vein, but
what about the 25 miles and more of empty tunnels on the property?
Here's a good thought-starter, gathered from smart miners around the
world. 20 other uses for mine tunnel, other than mining!
Check it out:

Historical photos courtesy Sharlot Hall Museum.

Below, Rich Hill from the air. The Octave is on the lower
(above left) Home compound. The caretakers trailer is on the right.
There's a small working pit with equipment on the left. (photo
right) At the bottom of the hill, the workings of the original
Octave mine. The road to the house is on the left side. Septic
system has been certified and pumped for immediate sale
(below) Once you get up to the house, here's the big picture of the
top half of the property. This is the Beehive section, and believed to be more highly-mineralized that the
Octave, although with less production data available.

In addition to the 266 acres of land, this home on the left is
included in the sale either with the Beehive section purchase or the
entire 266 acres. It's a nice manufactured home of 1100 sq. ft.
built in 1997 with new Anderson windows (2009), ample redwood deck,
screen porch and shade structure, desert landscaping, efficient
appliances, Viking stove, alternative energy system (PV panels
mounted on solar trackers, wind turbine, inverters, battery bank,
charge controllers, diesel generator), there's a very high flow
420' residential well and 5000 gal galvanized tank, gravity
pressured, 20' insulated air conditioned steel cargo container that
has a shop and the charging system and batteries for the home's
electrical system. Outside the home are three patios with great
views and around the corner, there is a small working pilot mill for
bulk testing or high grade small production near the house. The
property has an electronic security gate and is partially walled
with a stone fence around the exterior. Elevation of the home
is about 3,650.

Photo, upper left, Site of the Beehive Mine mill, about half-way up the mountain
On the right, just like the Old West, colorful watchman Danny, who's
been featured on TV, patrols the property. Like someone said,
"If the Octave didn't have such good gold, the size of his gun would
be much smaller!"
(Photos above and below, left) Examining the massive
headwall of the Octave Mine, where the large gold vein dipped below
it at 30 degrees. The labyrinth of tunnels in the Octave exceeded 25
miles. These shots were taken at the 500 feet level.
The ample ground water in the area has filled the tunnels below
approx. 800 feet.
(below, right) Huge excavation of the Nugget Pit, which was scrapped
down to the prime ore-bearing rock. Note near the top where the pit
was started. The bottom of the pit broke through some of the old
tunnels. Photo bottom left, sampling ore in Twin Tunnels
Photo below, at the Twin Tunnels, large quartz vein seems to explode
in size. This area has impressive exposure of the underlying
vein structure. There are tree branches in front of the vein,
partially obstucting the view.
hotos of the
included residence below:

You'll be amazed where they were able to get this spacious
manufactured home and the views it has! Its halfway up the
mountain and could serve as a good mine operators, or
base-of-operations residence. The home has a
well and although off the power grid, an innovative system of
solar and wind generation, which are stored in a battery system
in an adjacent steel cargo trailer, shown below. The cargo
container has a small workshop. Note the batteries and charging
systems at the end of the trailer.
Spacious 2 bedroom home with all the comforts, halfway up the
mountain! Here's the Great Room with dining and TV area.
Below, a kitchen with refrigerator, Viking Range and a stackable
washer/dryer in an adjacent room
Master Bedroom of the home, and there's also an adjacent children's
room with bunk beds. Plenty of patio space surrounds the home
with three view patios and even a screened in porch. Beyond the
porch, note the caretaker's trailer, which is inside a
remotely-activated gate.
The property is partially fenced about 120 acres) with barb wire and
there is an extensive stone wall surrounding the home and yard.
Screened-in porch area of the home and (above right) The master bath
of the residence, with soaking tub and not visible on the right, a
shower and flush toilet. The property is on a septic system
More on the Mines below:
Assay office of the extensive Beehive Mine workings
Head frame over the Verno Tunnel
One of the many entrances to the Octave workings Rock
structure to the right of pictured tunnel entrance The Octave Mine
has one of the most colorful histories of any operation in the
Weaver District and has been referred to as "The Golden Queen of
Rich Hill" There have been books written just on this mine and it's
operation. See "Octave Gold Mine" by Dr. Erik Melchiorre published
by Rock Doc Publications, below
Impressive veining of the Twin Tunnels as the patented claims follow
the veins up the mountain (photos below) show more of the twin
tunnels structure
Important area above the Nugget Tunnel (above left, and an aerial on
the right) A huge excavation has been carried out by the owners,
who removed over 100 feet of overburden to scrape down to the
headwall and veins and Beehive tunnel, exposing the rich material. (below, left)
"Nessie"., at 238 grams, is the largest surviving specimen
from the Beehive Mine, below see some of the other prized samples
coveted by collectors so much found in the Nugget Pit and acid
etched for cleaning.
Photos above-the flat area near the top of the property, approx.
30,100 sq. ft, measuring an estimated 208 X 145 feet. The
views are stunning and the flat area would be perfect for a variety
of uses, from processing, to a home with helipad. You're
looking at views to the North, into the BLM and Forest Service
wilderness, with Oak and Pine-covered mountains. See more from
the top by scrolling down below!
Analysis of Octave, Beehive Mines

From the book “Rich Hill,
the history of
Arizona’s Most Amazing Gold District”
By Dr. Erik Melchiorre, Dr. Dante Lauretta, Dr.
M. Katherine Crombie, Chris Gholson
Published by Golden Retriever Publications
To order “Rich Hill” call toll free,
1-866-369-2468 or 1-303-449-5995
$24.95 + $3.95 s/h
Octave Mine-One
of Arizona’s
best known mining properties, thought to be originally worked in the
late 1860s.
The workings of the Octave mine consist of
the main mine and nearby, the Joker mine, both which were mining the
same ore body. The original Octave consisted of a decline that went
2000 feet deep, three shafts and several thousand feet of tunnels.
The Joker workings
had a shaft that went down 1250 feet with
approximately 3000 feet of tunnels.
The best ore production was from about 300
feet down.
Regarding the geology of the mine, it was a
quartz-gold vein hosted within older granite and diorite.
The Octave vein dips at an angle of about
20-30 degrees to the Northwest and the strike aligned with 70
degrees East of North.
Old faults have also displaced the eastern
side of the vein to about 400 feet deep, below the sediments of
Weaver Creek. Toward the West, the vein was cut by old faults,
similar to the Joker, but only offset the vein by around fifty feet.
The richest ore in the vein occurred where
it was alongside and bounded by one of the Apache diabase dikes.
The Octave Vein ranges from 5 inches to 5 feet thick and
averages about 3 feet thick.
The vein consists of massive gray to white quartz, with rare
disseminations (4%-5%) of pyrite and galena.
Older reports record small amounts of chalcopyrite.
Little gold occurs in native form with most being microscopic
inclusions on or within sulfide minerals.
Of notable concentration was the pure galena, which assayed
100 oz. of gold and silver per ton and the pyrite which average 8 to
25 ounces per ton.
Having produced some 80,000 ounces of gold, the Octave Mine
remains by a very large margin, the single largest producer of lode
gold in the Weaver District. Interestingly, the lode gold from the
Octave is more than the estimates of placer gold production for all
mining operations in the district. Between 1895 and 1925, over
75,000 ounces of silver were removed from the Octave
ASARCO had last operated the mine on a large basis in the
early 1940s.
The seller reports that experts believe one
area at the Octave that bears further investigation is where the
exposed veins run along the road from the White cross to the Joker
shaft entrance. When Dr. Erik Melchiorre (author of "The Octave
Mine") and the owner were walking the property a few years ago, the
doctor said there maybe high gold values in one of the two main
veins showing along there which would be easy pickings for a shallow
surface operation. Also a nice specimen of crystalline gold in a
narrow quartz stringer was found with a detector just uphill from
the white cross a about 5 years ago so there is some specimen
potential there as well.
You never know what might turn up as another
vein of the Octave is found. While one owner sold the property
around 1905, convinced that he had found most of the ore, in 1915,
a subsequent owner hired a crack mining engineer named J. Nelson
Nevius who felt the mine had been mismanaged and the vein was not
properly traced. He had his workers start uncovering a vein
and do some work around what was called the Joker Shaft. They
believed the main Octave vein had been offset by faulting in this
area, and the awesome quality of what they found set a high-water
mark for the property. Nicknamed "The New York Stope," the
tunnels there produced 25,000 ounces of gold. The
exceptionally-rich ore averaged one ounce of gold and one ounce of
silver per ton, with the highest sample recording a jaw-dropping 6.1
ounces of gold per ton, while galena-bearing rock in the New York
stope got as high as 12.84 ounces of gold/ton and almost as much
Between the Octave and the Joker operations,
there were more than 25 miles of tunnels, at 100-foot-intervals.
Early miners, in an attempt to get a piece this
incredible Octave vein, filed claims all the way up the mountain,
and included off-shoots of the vein. This 266 acre offering
includes that land.
Beehive Mine- Believed
my many geologists as an extension of the Octave Vein, the Beehive
vein has virtually identical mineralogy, orientation and structure.
Notable minerals reported and confirmed include bornite,
tetrahedrite and gold-silver tellurides.
The Beehive Mine is located at the center of the Golden Age
claim where the vein intersects a north-west trending shear, or
fault zone. The mine was first operated from the late 1890s to 1915
by the original owner. It was patented by a second owner, Andrew
Peterson in 1900.
The Ziegler Tunnel, named for the first owner,
is an inclined shaft that follows the vein down dip for 1100 feet.
Various levels from the shaft had stopes on the high-grade ore.
There are no detailed working, which are now largely under
water and inaccessible.
pockets averaged .5 to 5 oz. of gold per ton, and one exceptionally
rich ore chute yielded over 250 ounces of gold.
In early 1920, Phelps Dodge Mining explored the property and
reported “pocketey quartz.”
Unfortunately, the tonnage of ore required for a major mining
operation was not blocked out and the asking price was too high.
In 1982, International Gold and Minerals Ltd.
Drilled several exploratory holds to examine the vein at depth.
Results must have been moderately promising, as in 1984, another
larger company from Canada, began a
second drilling program.
Crusier Minerals drilled several holes, and reported 4-8-foot-wide
intercepts of the vein with depth, averaging .19 to .39 oz. gold per
According to the owner, he has copy of a study done at the
Beehive in 1982 that included a very modest rotary drill program
(several thousand feet). The seller indicates it was fairly
informative and was able to prove the continuity of the beehive vein
structure to a depth of 650' on the dip and 2000' on strike. There
were an insufficient number of intercepts with the vein (significant
depth to intercept and consequently high drilling cost) to draw any
real conclusions as to homogenous values throughout the zone of
study which could be used to calculate reserves with any accuracy in
my opinion. It is believed that this will be the same problem faced
by any small drilling program.
These two mines represent but a small portion
of the entire 266 acres of patented claims. being offered for sale.
Further detailed geologic analysis from Dr.
Melchiorre's "The Octave Mine" includes "Granite to dioritic igneous
rock hosts the Octave vein chiefly composed of quartz and strikes
(runs) 70 degrees East of North and dips at an angle of 20 to 30
degrees to the Northwest. The vein has experienced some degree
of reverse faulting, as indicated by a fault gouge and
cleavage in the vein. Old faults have displaced the Eastern side of
the vein to a depth of over 400 feet below the sediments of Weaver
Gulch. To the West, the vein has also been cut by old faults,
but these faults, i.e.: The Joker Fault, only offset the vein by 50
feet or so. The vein is traceable on the surface for at least
2500 feet of strike. A few small barren quartz veins cut the Octave
vein and are offset by the fault with a displacement of less than
100 feet. The richest ore in the vein occurs where it lies
adjacent to and bounded by Apache diabase dikes.
The Octave vein ranges from 5 inches to 5 feet
thick and averages about 3 feet thick."
Other resources include: "Octave Gold
Mine-the Golden Queen of Rich Hill" and "Gold Atlas of Rich
Hill, Arizona", both by Dr. Erik Melchiorre,
published by Rock Doc publications.
Jaw-dropping views from the top! An enormous flat area as big
as a football field, with 360 degree views of the wilderness and
pine-covered mountains is amazing. (above right) Rich Hill is
visible. This location could be perfect for a home with
a possible helipad, or any one of a number of other structures.
Four Peaks, to the Northeast of the Phoenix area is even visible.
(below) A panorama of the view to the North and including a small
portion of the level area, on the right. The property rises to 5,100
feet above sea level.
Aerial photos and parcel information. . .
. See this!

above photos, left, the road to the top, right, aerial of the top of
the property looking toward Octave
(left) A view of the property from the South (Octave Mine) to the
North (flat portion) (photo above right) central area of the
property where the home is located, note the steel trailer with
mining equipment around the corner on the right. Photo below
if looking to the North. Note on the bottom of the photo, the FM
tower, and at the top, the flat area that marks the North part of the
Photos below are of the four official county photographs with
approx. property lines and a text description of each parcel,
patented claims on it, size and ownership.

included in the sale owned by either Ben Jaffe Revocable Trust or
Development LLC:
included and ownership:
(Thunderbolt and Verno, total 38.56 AC, known as Bishop group) Owned
by, Ben Jaffe revocable trust
The Thunderbolt and Verno Lode mining claims, located in the
Weaver Mining District, being shown on Mineral Survey # 1424, as
granted by patent recorded in book 54 of deeds, page 95, records of Yavapai County.
(Golden age, Golden star, Golden cloud, golden standard, golden
standard extension, Beehive,
Highland, total 123.17 AC, known as beehive
group) Owned by, Ben Jaffe revocable trust
The Golden Age, Golden Cloud, Golden Star, Gold Standard,
East Extension, Beehive and Highland Lode Mining Claims, designated
by the Surveyor General as lot no. 1422, in the Weaver Mining
District, US Patent whereof is recorded in Book 63 of Deeds, pages
(Golden rod, Uncle Sam, New era, Antelope, Grey devell, total 85.07
AC, Known as part of the Octave group) Owned by Octave development
llc. of which I am the manager.
Parcel 1: The Antelope,
Grey Devell and the Dun Billy lode mining claims designated by the
Surveyor General s Lot 1248, Weaver Mining District, Yavapai County,
Arizona, United States Patent whereof is of record in book 43 of
Deeds, pages 143-148, in the office of the Yavapai County recorder.
from the Dun Billy all surface placer deposits, but including
therein all mineral bearing veins and lodes within the boundaries of
said claim, extending vertically downward.
Parcel 2:
The Golden Rod and Uncle Sam lode mining claims designated by the
surveyor General as lot 1310, Weaver Mining District, Yavapai
County, Arizona, United States Patent whereof is of record in Book
49 of Deeds, pages 547-552 in the office of Yavapai County Recorder.
Parcel 3:
The New Era mining claims designated by the Surveyor General as lot
1423, Weaver Mining District, Yavapai County, Arizona, United States
Patent whereof is of record in book 54 of Deeds, pages 100-103, in
the office of Yavapai County Recorder.
(Dun Billy, total 19.98 AC, Known as part of the Octave claims)
Owned by Octave development llc.
included in previous entry above for parcel 204-22-011

Mineral Studies and Assays information. The current owners
have not done any additional analysis of the mineral content of the
property since so much historical information is a matter of record.
They would welcome any buyer's representatives to come on the site
and pick any area where they would like to do further hand-analysis
of the minerals. No heavy equipment that would greatly
disturb the property will be permitted.
No unauthorized visits to the property will be allowed and all
prospective buyers must be accompanied by the listing agents.
There are multiple caretakers on the site 24/7 to guard against
unauthorized entry.
Serious and qualified buyers only, please. Please no calls
about joint ventures and partnerships. Seller wishes to sell
the land outright.
Contact Preston Westmoreland for any further information or to
schedule a trip to the property. It is about a one hour and thirty
minute trip by vehicle to the mine property and at least 5
hours should be allotted for an on-site visit. Call Preston at
602-377-0060 Be sure to watch the video tour
high definition on
See it featured by Bob Massi on Fox's "The Property Man"

Watch this, could the price of gold be ready to skyrocket?
Some economists believe so, because of the trillions of Fiat dollars
(money with no backing) being paid for economic stimulus because of
Covid 19: See what they say about the Octave:

Zillow's writers feature the Octave, also on the NBC/Today show

And here's Bob Massi's story on gold hill and the Octave, an amazing
tunnel adventure. Please note, Gold Hill is no longer available.
the 3 mile property:
Please note: Sellers are not
currently seeking partnerships, joint ventures and leasing
agreements. An option may be purchased for exploration work
and due diligence and would be put toward the agreed upon purchase
price of the property.
In memory: To Bob Massi, long-time Fox News host of the Property
Man, and a successful Las Vegas attorney. Bob sadly passed away in
2019 after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Working with
Bob and his Fox news crew on our gold mine story was one of our
greatest thrills. His producer "Danger" Dan Cohen later
said that the mine story was one of Bob's favorite, and in fact, he
promoted it on Fox and Friends morning show. (below)